Windows 10 scheduled tasks
Windows 10 scheduled tasks


name : Create a task to open 2 command prompts as SYSTEM _scheduled_task : name : TaskName description : open command prompt actions : - path : cmd.exe arguments : /c hostname - path : cmd.exe arguments : /c whoami triggers : - type : daily start_boundary : 'T09:00:00' username : SYSTEM state : present enabled : yes - name : Create task to run a PS script as NETWORK service on boot _scheduled_task : name : TaskName2 description : Run a PowerShell script actions : - path : C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe arguments : -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NonInteractive -File C:\TestDir\Test.ps1 triggers : - type : boot username : NETWORK SERVICE run_level : highest state : present - name : Update Local Security Policy to allow users to run scheduled tasks _user_right : name : SeBatchLogonRight users : - LocalUser - DOMAIN\NetworkUser action : add - name : Change above task to run under a domain user account, storing the passwords _scheduled_task : name : TaskName2 username : DOMAIN\User password : Password logon_type : password - name : Change the above task again, choosing not to store the password _scheduled_task : name : TaskName2 username : DOMAIN\User logon_type : s4u - name : Change above task to use a gMSA, where the password is managed automatically _scheduled_task : name : TaskName2 username : DOMAIN\gMsaSvcAcct$ logon_type : password - name : Create task with multiple triggers _scheduled_task : name : TriggerTask path : \Custom actions : - path : cmd.exe triggers : - type : daily - type : monthlydow username : SYSTEM - name : Set logon type to password but don't force update the password _scheduled_task : name : TriggerTask path : \Custom actions : - path : cmd.exe username : Administrator password : password update_password : no - name : Disable a task that already exists _scheduled_task : name : TaskToDisable enabled : no - name : Create a task that will be repeated every minute for five minutes _scheduled_task : name : RepeatedTask description : open command prompt actions : - path : cmd.exe arguments : /c hostname triggers : - type : registration repetition : interval : PT1M duration : PT5M stop_at_duration_end : yes - name : Create task to run a PS script in Windows 10 compatibility on boot with a delay of 1min _scheduled_task : name : TriggerTask path : \Custom actions : - path : C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe arguments : -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NonInteractive -File C:\TestDir\Test.

  • Controlling how Ansible behaves: precedence rules.
  • Collections in the Theforeman Namespace.
  • For example, the Defrag folder contains the task that automatically defragments your hard disks on a schedule. Browse to the Task Scheduler LibraryMicrosoftWindows folder you’ll see subfolders for a variety of Windows system tasks.
  • Collections in the T_systems_mms Namespace To open the task scheduler, type Task Scheduler into the Start menu and press Enter.
  • Collections in the Servicenow Namespace.
  • Collections in the Purestorage Namespace.
  • Collections in the Openvswitch Namespace.
  • Collections in the Netapp_eseries Namespace.
  • Collections in the Kubernetes Namespace.
  • Collections in the Junipernetworks Namespace.
  • Collections in the F5networks Namespace.
  • Collections in the Containers Namespace.
  • Search for PowerShell, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.
  • Collections in the Cloudscale_ch Namespace To create a scheduled task with PowerShell on Windows 10, use these steps: Open Start.
  • windows 10 scheduled tasks

  • Collections in the Chocolatey Namespace.
  • Step 2: Right-click on the ‘Task Scheduler Library’ folder and select the New Folder option.
  • Collections in the Check_point Namespace Step 1: Open the Start menu, type in task scheduler, and press Enter.
  • Virtualization and Containerization Guides.
  • Protecting sensitive data with Ansible vault.
  • Unfortunately, while this seems to shed some light on what is happening, it doesn’t solve anything. My suspicion is that there is some threshold where if it is “too” late, then whatever was supposed to awaken the computer just gets ignored.

    windows 10 scheduled tasks

    On the days that the task didn’t run, the computer did not wake up at all (at the wake up time). The reason I say this is because Event Viewer shows that the computer doesn’t wake up at the scheduled time. I don’t think the problem is a Task Scheduler problem, but rather something with the OS or hardware that initiates the “wake up”. Right-click the task your want to move or copy. I find it hard to ignore that coincidence, but I’m not sure what I can do about it. Open Scheduled Tasks on your local machine (go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, Scheduled Tasks). It might just be a coincidence, but on May 1, three April updates were applied (KB5012599, KB5012117, KB4023057). Looking back at my records, this problem began on May 2. Beginning May 2, it would sometimes kick off at 2:00 (33 times), usually it would kick off a few minutes late (125 times), and sometimes not at all (19).

    windows 10 scheduled tasks

    Just a follow-up, in case anyone is interested…īefore May 2, the scheduled task would kick off at 2:00 AM every time.

    Windows 10 scheduled tasks